The 1914 John Morris fire engine, owned by the Rail Museum, was the centre of attraction at the much-awaited 58th Edition of The Statesman Vintage & Classic Car Rally on Sunday.
Known for its eloquent looks, the fire engine caught everyone’s attention at the rally that was flagged off from The Statesman House at Barakhamba Road in New Delhi at a glittering ceremony.
People of all age groups, including women, children, and elders, were seen taking pictures with the vintage fire engine.
The vintage fire engine was manufactured in 1914 by famous fire engineers of John Morris and Sons Limited, Salford, Manchester.
“It is a great experience to see this machine. I have never seen a fire engine like this before,” said Babu, a vintage car enthusiast.
Smaller vintage and classic cars and outstation cars were among the other highlights of the gala event.
The rally opened a window for the people of the national capital to get a glimpse of the enchanting era through vintage automobiles.
Owners of the vehicles eagerly await the rally every year as it gives them a unique opportunity to drive their well-maintained machines of the bygone era on modern roads.